January 11, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
From February 12th-23rd I am traveling to
Cambodia on an oversight trip for the Cambodian Arts and Scholarship Foundation
of which I am the President of the Board of Directors. The Cambodian Arts and Scholarship Foundation
(CASF) was founded in 2001 by Frederick Lipp, author of The Caged Birds of
Phnom Penh. CASF is committed to
improving the lives children in Cambodia through education, working with poor,
at-risk girls who are, for a number of reasons, denied equal access to
schooling. We will be traveling to
Provinces as well as visiting girls studying at the University level in Phnom
Penh to whom we provide scholarships. If
you would like to learn more about CASF please visit: http://cambodianscholarship.org/
I will be sharing my trip with students through a blog. I also wanted to get students more involved
by inviting them to donate school supplies I can bring with me and distribute
to the girls. I am looking for donations
of the following items:
Pencils with fun designs
Post-It Notes
Colored Pencils
I think it will be fun for students to look on the blog and
see students in Cambodia receiving items they donated.
If you are interested in donating items they need to be
brought in by Friday, January 29th.
Thank you and Happy New Year,
Heidi Brewer